Welcome to Genesis




Who We are

Do you long to make a significant mark in life? Did you know that God has called you to be more than you are now and become more than you ever dream possible?

Our vision is to be a Christ-centered, Bible-based, compassionate church, empowered by the Holy Spirit to transform lives.

Our mission is to lead. We do this by helping people to become more than they think possible, reach heights that might seem improbable and in the end be change agents in society.

We are calling people to live lives that tap into significance and make a unique mark in this world.

You can be a part of that and so we invite you in. Come with your passion. Come with your talent.

Join the movement!

Our Ministries

God has placed a tremendous vision on our hearts to reach the people of Tamarac, Margate, Lauderhill, Coral Springs and throughout Florida and the world.

It is the vision of Genesis Christian Church to have a significant impact on the lives of people in the surrounding areas and beyond. Our goal is to develop a full-service church with wide reach into the community.

Our ministries are currently geared to meet specific community needs such as marriage and family issues, youth and children’s issues, among others.

Events at Genesis

God has raised up wise and talented men of God to lead our congregration. Come and visit us to meet them in person!

Power-Pack Devotion

Phone Number: (605) 313-4464
Access Code: 275266

6:00am-6:30am (EST)
Join us on the Genesis Christian Church Prayer Line as we seek the LORD’s face first thing in the morning.

Join a Growth Group

50 Days to Transform
We will be learning how to thrive in the seven most important areas of our lives. You will learn invaluable, healing truths about each of the key areas where all of our joys and sorrows can be found spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, financial, and vocational. Our hurts will turn into opportunities where we will see God’s powerful work, as we become healthier during the entire length of this 50-day campaign.

Meet Our Pastors

Dr Facey is a powerful Sprit-filled Man of God with great gifts for teaching & speaking.

Today, many people are searching for significance--the ultimate purpose of life. Let Pastor Facey & Genesis Christian Church guide you in your journey.

Dr Owen Facey

Lead Pastor

Pastor Gary Virtue is a talented singer and spirit-filled worship leader.

Pastor Virtue has a deep passion for serving the LORD and for teaching the people in the ways of God.

Pastor Gary D. Virtue

Senior Associate Pastor

Dr. Dawna is a minister of the word, whose purpose is to breathe life into dead situations and propel people into purpose.

She is a teacher, worship leader, author, speaker, athletic coach, and entrepreneur.

Her mission is to prepare youth, holistically, to be representatives of Christ.

Dr Dawna Wright

Christian Education Pastor

Pastor Rashard Wright is a singer-songwriter, musical arranger, worship leader, and worship pastor. Rashard has been pastoring and developing worship leaders and musicians sense 2005.

Rashard has also worked with and written songs for many gospel artist such as Darrel Walls, Kymberli Joy, Todd Galberth, Timothy Reddick, and many more.

Rashard Wright has a passion for music and ministry and his ultimate goal is to use them both to point people back to Jesus.

Pastor Rashard Wright

Worship Pastor

God has raised up wise and talented leaders of God to guide our congregation. Click the button to schedule a meeting with them!

What People Say About Us:

Join Us For Service


We would love to see you online or in person during one of our service times or special events.  Please do not hesitate to visit and get to know us.

Our leadership and congregation are very friendly and open to answering any questions about our church, God, or the Bible you may have.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings:

Corporate Worship: 10:00 am EST
Genesis Kidz & Youth: 10:00 am EST

Power-Pack Morning Devotional Prayer:
Mon-Friday, 6:00 AM – 6:30 AM EST
Join via Phone: 1-605-313-4464
Access Code: 275266
Congregational Prayer:

Every Tuesday at 8:00 PM EST
Join via Phone: 1-712-770-4932
Access Code: 695097

Growth Groups:

We have many groups at many hours.
Click here to learn more.

Our Address:

Get Connected

Genesis Church would love to see you at one of our services and events.  If you have any questions or like to learn more, please feel free to reach out to us.

Confirm Your Attendance


Check-in: Main Sunday Service

Thank you for attending Genesis Christian Church this Sunday. Please use the following form to note your attendance.

Contact Dr Owen Facey

Contact Dr Dawna Wright

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